Friday, October 18, 2024

Reader Has Many Questions About Policing Issue

Letter to the Editor

Mr. Editor,

I would like to commend Mr. Long for his comments regarding the strange happenings which were initiated recently by some of our senior administration.  

He stated so well what has puzzled many of our citizens.  Why is it that the administrators can come up with figures to prove that their pet project (going with OSPS) is to be our salvation when we are still waiting for the OPP estimates and the Consultants’ reports? 

Who hired the Consultants? Why is it that these employees have such missionary zeal when promoting this rather nebulous proposal from our neighbour? Where is the evidence that they have the same desire to cut costs in other ways?  What’s motivating them to push the limits when dealing with our elected representatives? Do our elected representatives even realize that the limits are being pushed?  Does anyone who has been around here for any length of time remember Owen Sound reaching out to surrounding communities, offering to provide a service for a fraction of the cost of providing the same service to their own taxpayers?

Why is it that Owen Sound taxpayers have not ‘raised Hell’ with their politicians for apparently giving Meaford a better price for policing than they get at home? Why is it that Georgian Bluffs, Chatsworth, Blue Mountains, Collingwood, Bruce and other nearby communities using the OPP have not beaten a path to Owen Sound asking for the same ‘deal’ Meaford has been offered?  The list of relevant questions goes on and on. We need some answers so let’s pack those upcoming Public Meetings and get some.

Even when OPP figures are available we won’t be able to make a meaningful comparison of costs.  The OPP spells out what we get.  The OSPS proposal appears to be lacking in detail.  Often, consumers are told to beware of the fine print. Maybe we need some fine print from Owen Sound, telling us exactly which services are to be provided for the touted never changing cost.

I am sure that during the election campaign there will be candidates promising to lower taxes. They may use the Owen Sound proposal as an example of how that can be done.  I, for one, won’t be giving my support to anyone who uses the OSPS proposal, as it currently stands, in any plan to reduce taxes.

In a previous letter to the Independent I suggested, as has Mr. Long, that the new Council make the Policing decision so we won’t have any buck passing if things go wrong. At the very least, the present Council should pass a motion that discussions with Owen Sound are over until the new Council passes a motion that they wish to continue the process.  Voters may send a message to the new Council about what they want, assuming candidates tell us where they stand on this issue, and everyone needs a little time to review the reports.

Too many initiatives, pushed by administrators who departed regularly through our revolving door, have upset our community, caused divisions, cost us money, and embarrassed us.  Let’s just take our time and get this right. When it comes to Police Services, getting it right will mean that discussions will deal with more than just the financial cost.

Jim Hepple, Meaford

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