Thursday, February 6, 2025

Cat Shelter Thanks the Good People of Meaford

Letter to the Editor


Last month I sent in a letter to the editor that you published regarding the theft of the donation box at our charity store, The Cat’s Meow, in Meaford.

I would appreciate it if you could print this follow-up letter to the editor, thanking people for stepping up and donating.

Thank you to the good people of Meaford

Early last month, someone stole the donation box in the Cat’s Meow store on Boucher Street, off Sykes, the retail store of the Clarksburg Cat Shelter.

Money collected from our donation boxes goes directly to caring for the 60+ cats we shelter at our shelter in Clarksburg.

After the article was published, several people came into the store to not only express their dismay that someone would steal from a charity but they also donated generously. Our donation box is now secure.

I just want to thank all those wonderful people who contributed and possibly found an item or two to purchase! Hopefully the contributions will continue.

Kathie DeCoste

President, Clarksburg Cat Shelter

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