Saturday, March 15, 2025

Book Highlighting Work of Local Craftspeople Soon to be Released


Book Highlighting Work of Local Craftspeople Soon to be ReleasedA new full-colour portfolio book highlighting the fine craft practice of thirty high-calibre makers from the Grey and Bruce Counties is about to go to press.

Confirming that a thriving arts culture is sustainable outside of city centres, Backroad Craft explores the inspirations, skills, and individual studio practices of thirty local craftspeople that make their homes within the two counties. This area has always been an attraction to artists seeking a peaceful environment to create fine craft, and the region has enjoyed a higher than average level of exceptional craftspeople as a result. 

Backroad Craftwas the idea of glassblower Kate Civiero and photographer Becky Comber after a conversation about the number of talented craftspeople who reside and work in Grey and Bruce Counties, some of them world-class makers highly respected in their medium. The two women felt it would be a good idea to highlight these makers in the form of a book that would explore how living rurally affects their artistic practices.

In February of 2014, Civiero and Comber received Ontario Arts Council funding for Backroad Craft. What started out as a dream turned into a reality, enabling these authors to interview and photograph these makers in their studios, then turn their research into book form. Heather Hughes, Assistant Curator at the Tom Thomson Art Gallery, assisted by curating the craftspeople and writing the foreword of the book.

Backroad Craftwill officially be launched on September 7th at the Legacy Gallery at the Owen Sound Artists’ Co-op, and a Backroad Craft exhibit featuring the thirty makers who are included in the book will be shown during September. Authors Kate Civiero and Becky Comber will be present for book signing on September 7th from 1pm – 4pm during the Exhibit Opening/Book Launch.

As well, there will be an accompanying exhibit entitled “A Tribute To Backroad Craft” in the atrium of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery from September 14th, 2014 to January 4th, 2015.  This is an open exhibit to all craftspeople in the Grey and Bruce region. Contact the Tom Thomson Art Gallery for exhibit info.

For more information or to pre-order a copy of Backroad Craft, please visit

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