Saturday, February 15, 2025

Disappointed at Lack of Terry Fox Runs for Schools

Letter to the Editor


As a grandparent of children who attend SVE Elementary School in Meaford, I am disappointed that there is no scheduled Terry Fox Walk/Run during the fall of 2015.

I am aware of the dispute between the public elementary teachers of Ontario and both the local and provincial school board representatives. What Terry Fox did as a young Canadian with single-minded purpose to raise awareness and money for cancer research is astounding. His intention, to run 26.2 miles every day until he could dip his prosthetic leg into the Pacific Ocean, required a level of focus and determination that most could only dream of.

All Canadians, young and old alike, were both captivated by this young man’s effort and inspired by him. In the 1980s his heroic effort was there for each of us to witness. The Terry Fox Marathon of Hope grew as a a national tribute to Terry and has kept his spirit alive for generations of Canadian youth. Given that Terry has become an iconic figure here in Canada, I would ask that the local ETFO group, and the local school board negotiators put aside their bargaining positions to not only allow the Terry Fox event to continue in schools in fall 2016, but, in fact, endorse it.

Surely our continued recognition of what Terry did needs to be kept alive for our students today. If the two parties to this work-to-rule issue put a temporary ‘hold’ on their positions, and agree that this event should take place, their tax-paying citizens will have a degree of respect for them

Bob Foot, Meaford

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