Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Democracy in Action

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I am heartened that so many voters in BGOS (Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound) are taking this election seriously and are making up their minds based on as much information as possible. This is indeed democracy in action.

I send special thanks to the scores of local people who have given voters in BGOS the transparent polling information to know the standings of our local candidates going into next Monday’s election.

The latest Environics poll of 966 BGOS voters shows that Liberal candidate Kimberley Love is now statistically tied with Miller at 40 percent of decided voters to Miller’s 41%, a gain of 11 percentage points for her since the last Environics poll a month ago. The latest poll, paid for by local citizens, was conducted October 9-11, 2015.

A close look at these latest poll results reveals that a majority of local voters (54%) say they are voting to defeat the Harper government, including 28 percent of those who voted Conservative in the 2011 election.

Rather than splitting this ‘change vote’ among the Liberals, NDP and Greens as in previous elections, local voters seem to be following the national trend to the Liberals.

A close election like this is very good for our Canadian democracy; let’s all do our part and cast our informed vote!


Doug Miller, Annan

Be the 1st to vote.

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