Letter to the Editor
Dear Sir,
Last week, CBC News reported a new study that confirmed the idea that sleep deprivation leads to confused decision making. To anyone who was present at MOM’s (Municipality of Meaford) council meeting on Monday, July 27, it must be obvious that the findings of this report are accurate.
This marathon of a session started at 4.00pm and finally ended just before 11 pm. Rogers TV were not present to record this meeting and the sane members of the press left well before the the bitter end. The meeting was eventful and full of varying topics, controversial decisions and deep emotion but it was only after 10 pm that the effects of sleep deprivation began to show. One member of council was derided by the now vocal public gallery for ineptitude and public observers started collecting private donations to pay for the motion.
However, it was Section 11 e) on the agenda dealing with a community grant request by the ‘Sail Georgian Bay’ group for a grant of $1,500 that caused the most concern. Mayor Clumpus was the only one to have any opinion and, not unreasonably, she mentioned the benefits that the sailing club brought to the area. The treasurer announced that the fund had less than $1,000 in reserve; a certain councillor then suggested that a grant of $1,000 be made to the club; the clerk shouted across the room to the treasurer that money could be taken from a different fund to round out the $1,000 request and the treasurer shouted back that he did have a fund that he could dip into. Fortunately, a new councillor concerned with fiscal correctness and who had obviously read the rules governing community grants raised the question of the legality of both granting this money (going over budget) and of granting it to this particular organization. He commented on the fact that this grant request was greater than that given to the Big Brothers organization who actually met the criteria for community grants and who had asked for $3,000 but only received $500. To the by now semi-comatose occupants of the council chamber, it all sounded very complicated until the treasurer solved all future problems arising from community grants by proudly announcing that staff were developing a plan to hire a consultant to decide who gets grants paid for by our tax dollars. AND THUS ENDED THE MEETING.
With decisions like these, I propose that no normal council meeting last more than 4 hours in length. Free amphetamines will be optional when emergency time extensions are required.
David Long, Meaford