Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Drinking & Driving Not Just a Holiday Issue

OPP Release

alcohol keys Stephen Vance

Impaired driving remains the leading cause of criminal death in Canada. Any amount of alcohol can impair one’s ability to drive. Drivers who register a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in the ‘warn range’ of .05 to .08 could face an immediate driver’s licence suspension. 

If you are found to be over the legal limit you will face a 90 day driver’s licence suspension, a court appearance and your vehicle is impounded for seven days.  All of these penalties are inconvenient and costly. 

Grey County OPP officers continued with their Festive Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) campaign until January 2, 2014. 

The Festive RIDE campaign began on November 23, 2013, and as of December 28, 2013, eight people had been arrested and charged with Impaired Driving, Being Over the Legal Limit or Refusing to Provide a Breath Sample in West Region.  Another five people have received three-day, seven-day or 30-day driver’s licence suspensions for registering ‘warn’ on the roadside screening device.

Drivers are encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions.  If you drink, do not drive.  Arrange for a designated driver, stay overnight, or use a taxi or another means of public transit.

If you suspect that someone is driving or is about to drive while impaired, call 9-1-1 and report it.  If you see that someone is impaired and intends to drive, do not let them drive.  

The OPP will continue to conduct RIDE checkpoints into the new year as part of the OPP’s Provincial Traffic Safety Program (PTSP).

Everyone is encouraged to plan ahead and to always make safety a priority.

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