Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Reader Has Choice Words For Editor With Regard to Campaign Expense Audit Editorial (WARNING: Profanity)

Letter to the Editor

Mr. Vance,

Your are [sic] total fucking incoherent idiot. 

No wonder your paper is going bankrupt. 

You are clueless. You are corrupt. You are void of any ethics, morality or intelligence.

You have missed the whole point to the request for compliance audit. But oh wait, that is right you are in the back pocket of the political buffoons and Mr. McPherson. Clowns of a feather, flock together.

You are one of the reasons we do not want to be part of urban Meaford. No Class, No perspective, No intelligence and No talent.

Close your little gossip blog down and get a life you moron!!

Syd Enham

No place of residence provided

Editor’s Notes:

How very brave one is who hides in anonymity. It is sad that the writer of this letter purports to represent Sydenham residents.

As for “going bankrupt”, asking your readers to help support your paper so it can grow and thrive is a far cry from “going bankrupt”. Many media outlets of all types big and small ask their readers and viewers for financial support.

And hey, at least he called me Mr.

Oh and…

support button 2 !

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