Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Walker Accepts New Critic Appointments


WalkerSwearing-InPhoto225Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Bill Walker says he is pleased to take on two new critic portfolios in the new legislative session at Queen’s Park.

Walker was recently appointed the Progressive Conservative critic for Community and Social Services as well as the party critic for Long-Term-Care and Wellness.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of serving and working with many stakeholders in healthcare, as well as children and youth services and I’m proud of the partnerships and accomplishments made there,” Walker says.

I believe the two new portfolios are equally exciting and challenging and very representative of our riding in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound,” he says. “The roles complement my past work as a Parks and Recreation director and my previous community work with the Bruce Peninsula Health Services Foundation and Heart & Stroke Foundation in Bruce and Grey.”

Walker says as his first point of business, he has reached out to the respective ministers, Dr. Helena Jaczek, Minister of Community and Social Services, and to Dipika Damerla, Associate Minister of Long-Term Care, to request briefing meetings and a status update on their most critical files.

The Ministry of Community and Social Services is responsible for the administration of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Family Responsibility Office (FRO), the Ontario Works Addiction Services Initiative (ASI), and the Developmental services. The Ministry of Long-Term-Care is responsible for home, community and residential care services for senior citizens.

I care about people. As Opposition Critic, my role is to ensure that government programs and legislation are achieving their intended purpose and providing the best possible service to people. I have received much feedback from our local service providers, such as Community Living, Grey Bruce Children’s Services, Keystone Child & Family Services, and the Canadian Mental Health Association, to name just a few, and I look forward holding the government to account on behalf of our families and seniors and ensuring their voices are heard loud and clear at Queen’s Park,” says Walker.

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