Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Meet Your Farmers’ Market Vendors: Wolf River Farm


Meet Your Farmers’ Market Vendors:  Wolf River Farm

Wolf River Farm sits on the Niagara Escarpment overlooking beautiful Georgian Bay. The land is rich with heritage apples, pears, grapes, wild black raspberries, black walnut trees and elderberries, to name a few.

Wolf River is an old antique apple tree variety that stood on the crest of the ridge when the Hopson family arrived 20 years ago.

Working with Mother Nature and natural growing practices, while using my ancestors’ teachings of Mennonite, Scottish and lrish roots, I have re-birthed the farm with native tree and plant species, planting White Pines trees, root stock heritage apples, cedars, nut trees, figs, etc., while growing spinach, carrots, perennial and annual herbs and native medicines, heritage potatoes and garlic, etc., and my personal addiction; hot peppers,” explains Kathy Hopson of Wolf River Farm.

These hot and sweet peppers grow in a south-facing, old barn foundation, offering warmth and protection to the plants, and, also, beauty and comfort to all who enter its old field-stone walls.

I use natural, non-GMO manure, leaves and grass cuttings to make farm soil each season for the gardens, trees and orchards. No chemicals of any kind are used on the farm. Recently Neem oil, (a natural oil from a tree grown in India), is used when needed for invasive species that occur as I am surrounded by GMO cash crops of corn and soybean farming. These GMO crops have brought new troubles and problems that I have never seen before to natural method farming,” said Hopson. “I work with Mother Earth in building a relationship with the plants and trees I grow. I invite to Wolf River Farm with natural, local, real food.”

For more information, you can check-out the Wolf River Farm website, or call Kathy at 226-923-0150. Also, find her at the Meaford Farmers’ Market, Fridays until Thanksgiving weekend.

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