Friday, July 26, 2024


Consent Agenda Shouldn’t be a Rubber Stamp Agenda

By Stephen Vance, Editor There was a stunning display of unity amongst our seven members of council on Wednesday, as they voted on blocks of resolutions without discussion or debate.   Along with the new procedural bylaw adopted by council at their inaugural meeting on December 6th comes a new method of conducting council meetings.   The changes in how our council meetings are...

Don’t Let The New Procedural Bylaw Exclude You

By Stephen Vance, Editor The one bit of actual business that will take place at the inauguration ceremony for the new Meaford council on Monday December 6th at Meaford Hall will be the adoption of a new procedural bylaw.   If our new council is determined to re-gain the trust and support of the general public, then they might be wise to...

…In With The New

By Stephen Vance, Editor On Monday December 6th at 5 pm at Meaford Hall, Meaford residents will be able to witness the inauguration of their new council.   The seven member council elected by Meaford residents on October 25th features a healthy cross-section of the Meaford demographic with councillors as young as 30 and others in their retirement years. The new council...

Hey Santa! Here’s My Wish List

By Stephen Vance, Editor Dear Santa,   I know it is early but since you will be in Meaford on Saturday to kick off the annual Christmas Window Unveiling event, I thought I would prepare a wish list for you so that you could take it with you when you leave.   It was really hard to narrow down my list this year. I...

Council, Conflict & Integrity

By Stephen Vance, Editor With Councillor Jim McPherson fresh off his mayoral campaign battle with Francis Richardson questioning why Richardson had chaired an in-camera meeting regarding the recent lawsuit filed against him personally which accuses the Mayor of abuse of power and failure to comply with conflict of interest rules, and Deputy Mayor Michael Traynor excusing himself from discussion of...

We’re All Part of the Council Team

By Stephen Vance, Editor I don't envy the seven members of the next council term which begins on December 1st. As with any government, there are many challenges ahead for this group of elected representatives, but with challenge comes the opportunity to shine.  It is easy to stand on the sidelines and point to all of the things that are wrong,...

Timing is Everything

By Stephen Vance, Editor Meaford voters have elected a new council that features four new members, but it would seem that some things just aren't going to change in the near future.   Throughout the campaign many voters expressed frustration about the number of lawsuits that the municipality is engaged in.   Well, we can add one more lawsuit to the mix.  The latest legal...

Thank You to All of Our Candidates

By Stephen Vance, Editor On Tuesday morning Meaford residents will wake up to a new council that will be installed in early December.   That new seven member council will feature at least four new members, and possibly five individuals will be taking a seat at the council table for the first time.   If you haven't voted yet, there is still time to...

Our Election Endorsement

By Stephen Vance, Editor There is a long tradition in the newspaper business of endorsing candidates come election season. This week newspapers across the province will no doubt be unveiling their preferred candidates for municipal councils in the upcoming election.   Naturally the question has been asked by many (mostly by candidates) if The Meaford Independent will participate in this long standing...

Own Your Words

By Stephen Vance, Editor A couple of years ago there was a nasty anonymous blog making waves in Meaford. Much like the current blog that has surfaced during this election campaign, that blog had plenty of unkind, unsubstantiated things to say about members of Meaford council and of municipal staff.   The Sun Times ran a big story about it. They had...