Friday, July 26, 2024


Blue Dolphin Pool Should be Priority

By Stephen Vance, Editor At their most recent meeting on August 13, Meaford councillors considered a number of potential projects that could be eligible for a new round of grant funding from the Community Infrastructure Investment Fund. Presented with a list of seven projects prepared by municipal staff, council quickly zeroed in on two possibilities – a renovation of the balcony...

Time to Revisit Meaford’s Branding

By Stephen Vance, Editor A letter to the editor submitted to The Independent this week once again has people talking about how the Municipality of Meaford is branding itself. In his letter, Meaford resident Jim Hepple shared an interaction he had with visitors from the United States about Meaford's use of America's iconic Statue of Liberty in the form of a...

Challenges and Rewards Ahead For New CAO

By Stephen Vance, Editor I've often thought that there are many jobs that would be fun and interesting to have, though CAO of a municipality certainly isn't one of them. In fact, I would rather dig ditches, or clean sewers before taking on the top job in any municipality. The life of a Chief Administrative Officer within a municipal corporation can't...

There’s Plenty For Kids to do in Meaford

By Stephen Vance, Editor There isn't enough for the kids to do in Meaford. It is a sentiment I have heard expressed often in the years since I moved to this fine community, and it is one that I have never really understood. Recently though I have come to realize that perhaps it isn't that there is a lack of activities for...

Public Scrutiny is Part of the Deal

By Stephen Vance, Editor Any time a government employee is charged with a crime, there is a justified cause for concern among the citizens who paid for and were served by that employee. The recent arrest of Meaford's Director of Community Services, Catherine Purcell, on charges of fraud while employed by the Township of King where she worked for 11 years...

A Falling Star – From Fighting the Good Fight to Getting Down and Dirty

By Stephen Vance, Editor Back in December I wrote a column in support of the Toronto Star who had essentially been black-balled by Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and excluded from official notices and information coming from the mayor's office. The spat began with Ford taking offence to an article the Star had published during the 2010 election campaign, and progressed...

Democracy is Dead? Quite the Contrary

By Stephen Vance, Editor Meaford Councillor Deborah Young says democracy is dead. Perhaps the councillor doesn't understand democracy at all. Merriam-Webster defines democracy as a “government by the people” which is grounded in the “rule of majority.” Further, democracy is defined as “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly...

Earth Day a Chance to Change the World Within Our Reach

By Stephen Vance, Editor Earth Day was first observed the year I was born, and for the last 42 years the initiative has gradually gained traction in North America and throughout the world. Personally, I like the fact that I was born into a generation that was beginning to take stock of the human impact on our environment, and is...

The Next Step in Waste Management – Reduce

By Stephen Vance, Editor The Municipality of Meaford has posted some pretty impressive waste diversion numbers over the last couple of years, and everyone in the community should be proud that our little municipality is currently ranked third of 223 municipalities in our efforts to shift waste from landfills to recycle stations and compost heaps. Even more impressive is that of...

What Constitutes a Meeting of Council?

By Stephen Vance, Editor One of the most frequent complaints about Meaford's council that I have heard over the last several years is that council spends too much time behind closed doors. With Councillor Deborah Young this week suggesting that our council has been abusing the in-camera meeting process, the issue has once again reared its ugly head, and tongues are...