Saturday, May 4, 2024


Party Politics Isn’t Serving Us Well – So Vote For The Individual Instead

By Stephen Vance, Editor I was just 16 when I volunteered to help out on an election campaign for the first time. From my teen years until my mid 30's I volunteered to help out a campaign in every single federal and provincial election that came along, and a few municipal campaigns as well. While it's no secret that I lean...

So Far, So Good For This Council, But the Tough Stuff’s Ahead

By Stephen Vance, Editor After taking the hot and hazy month of August off, Meaford's council was back in action on the Meaford Hall stage on Monday. This council is less than three months away from a full year on the job, and while they have for the most part had an impressive year, the year to come is looking...

This Long Weekend Be on the Lookout For Election Candidates

By Stephen Vance, Editor Labour Day weekend is here, and you can feel the excitement in the air – and not just from parents of kids that will return to school in a few short days. Meaford is a beehive of activity this weekend with the Meaford International Film Festival, the Fall Fair, the Farmers' Market, the Net Shed, and a...

Does Meaford Hall’s Opera House Really Need to be Licenced?

By Stephen Vance, Editor Meaford Hall's Opera House is now licenced for alcohol consumption, but was it really necessary, and is it really a good idea? Don't get me wrong, I'm the first to admit I enjoy a good, stiff drink, but in the seats of the opera house? I've been to many plays, movies, and concerts at Meaford Hall, and...

Close Call at Meaford Hall Should Serve as a Reminder to All to Inspect our Homes and Workplaces For Potential Fire Hazards

By Stephen Vance, Editor Over the last decade I have often heard from anti-Meaford Hall folks that the building should have been torn down. The more dramatic type of anti-Meaford Hall folks have gone so far as to suggest that the building should be burned to the ground. So there must have been a momentary rush of excitement followed by a...

Why We Don’t Need a CAO

By Stephen Vance, Editor If history is any indication, we have just entered the window of time when Meaford's CAO is likely to say goodbye and head off to greener pastures. To be clear, there are no rumours that our CAO is planning to leave, there have been no rumblings, no whispers, I'm just talking about history – and not...

Making the Most of the Dog Days of Summer

By Stephen Vance, Editor The dog days of summer are here. Warm temperatures, at times working their way to stifling, oppressive temperatures have wrapped their arms around our area, and they've been squeezing tight. The month of August - my least favourite time of year. Hot, sticky, and often unpredictable, I've long thought that the best thing about August is that...

Meaford’s Unanimous Group of Seven

By Stephen Vance, Editor What would happen if you put seven people in a room, and you asked them to agree on an order of one large pizza? Would you have a unanimous agreement on what toppings to order? Or would you have some of the seven people lobbying for mushrooms on half, while others debated which type of cheese...

Idling Control Bylaw Just Makes ‘Cents’

By Stephen Vance, Editor At their next meeting, Meaford's council will be presented with a request to establish an automobile idling control bylaw. Possibly the only surprise in the previous sentence is that Meaford doesn't already have such a bylaw. After some highly unscientific polling of people I talked to over the past week, most of the people I raised the...

Failed Mayoral Candidate Wasting Municipal Time and Resources For a Process Lesson

By Stephen Vance, Editor On, Tuesday July 14, a special meeting will be held in Meaford's council chamber, when a Joint Compliance Audit Committee (JCAC) will meet in order to determine if a request for the audits of campaign expenses of two mayoral candidates who sought election in the October 2014 municipal election should move ahead.Failed mayoral candidate Ray McHugh...