Stephen Vance, Editor
We might officially be more than a month away from the start of the winter season, but over the past week Mother Nature has made it known – winter starts now.The past week has left no doubt that we have traded in the sounds of lawn mowers and street sweepers for the sounds of snowblowers and plows,...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Meaford's council was once again grappling with the proposed pumped storage facility at Meaford's military base. Like many residents, members of council are also concerned about the proposal and they want to learn more about it in spite of constant accusations from some in the community that council hid the proposal from the public.Some in the community...
Stephen Vance, Editor
As I was getting set up for last week's council meeting, the Deputy Mayor approached the media table and handed me a small container displaying the municipal logo. Inside the container was a red silicone reusable straw. The Deputy Mayor explained that as part of Waste Reduction Week the municipality was giving away the straws at municipal...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Like many Canadians I stayed up well past my bedtime on Monday in order to watch the election results trickle in, and though I was a little groggy when my alarm rang at 6 a.m. on Tuesday morning, after taking a look at the updated results one thing was clear to me – we still need electoral...
Stephen Vance, Editor
As we've all had time to learn more about the proposed hydroelectric pumped storage facility at Meaford's military base, many of us have been finding areas of concern, some serious, some less so, but all requiring answers. Over the weekend a public information session was hosted by a citizen group who call themselves Save Georgian Bay, and...
Stephen Vance, Editor
I'm not exactly sure where the time has gone, but here we are with another Thanksgiving long weekend upon us.
Everybody has their own favourite time of year, and for me, autumn, and particularly around Thanksgiving, is mine. There is something special about the autumn transition with the leaves changing colour and then falling to the ground before...
Stephen Vance, Editor
The first hints of colour have begun to show themselves; a patchwork of red, yellow, orange, and green is currently in the works, the nights have become chilly, and autumn thunderstorms have begun to entertain us – Meaford's Big Fall Weekend is upon us.If you've been in the urban area of Meaford in the past few weeks...
Stephen Vance, Editor
With their approval of the 2020 municipal budget framework on Monday, budget season has officially arrived. Between now and the end of the year, budgetary issues will dominate the time of staff and council, who are in the unenviable position of trying to balance the wants and needs of the municipality while attempting to minimize the impact...
Stephen Vance, Editor
In this week's print edition of The Meaford Independent we've published the seventh and final instalment of the Coffee With a Councillor series. While this series of articles has gobbled up a significant amount of my time over the past few months, based on the feedback I've received from readers, I think it was time well spent.Several...
Stephen Vance, Editor
I am all for citizens rallying together in order to voice concerns to government, but you've got to knock on the right door.
A small group of residents is concerned about a proposal to build a hydroelectric project on the military base in Meaford, and they attended council to share their concerns and to ask why Meaford would...