Stephen Vance, Editor
For the past several weeks we have been largely confined to our homes when we are not working at jobs deemed essential, or on trips to the grocery store. Frustrations and anxiety have been growing, and many have been expressing on social media that they can't wait for things to get back to normal – but what...
Stephen Vance, Editor
In the midst of this unprecedented COVID-19 epidemic we are all being bombarded with one scary news story after another, and we have been adjusting to increasing restrictions on our movements. And while many businesses have been ordered by the province to shut down, there are still many that are operating, often under revised conditions – in...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Strap in folks, we are all in for a rough month ahead.
There is no way to sugar-coat the experience we are going to endure, though many with all the the best intentions will attempt to do so, but the reality is this – the next four weeks are likely to be brutal.All of our levels of government...
Stephen Vance, Editor
This week, on this page, I should have been writing about the highly anticipated report from staff to council regarding the proposed pumped storage facility on the Meaford Tank Range, but instead, with no council meeting to attend and with the province on virtual lockdown, that plan changed.Believe me, the last thing that I want to write...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Thanks to a fast-spreading virus that we can't see, feel, or touch, the entire planet is on edge, and much of it is on lock-down, and likely will be for many weeks to come.
We have literally watched this COVID-19 virus spread across the planet from its origins in China through Asia and Europe, and now it has...
Stephen Vance, Editor
We have all had situations in our lives when we have been torn between what would be the wise, prudent solution to a problem versus the best, most practical solution. Meaford's council found themselves facing such a solution and they opted to pass on a wise solution and instead support the best solution.The issue facing council at...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Sunday, March 8 is International Women's Day, a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women and to also raise awareness of the challenges that still remain in achieving true gender equality.According to the official International Women's Day website (, the day is aimed at “celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The...
Stephen Vance, Editor
The house across the road from you has recently sold, you haven't met your new neighbours, but you've seen some contractor vehicles parked outside, and you assume that the new property owner is doing some renovations before moving in. A few weeks later there are four cars in the driveway, the next week three different cars, and...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Some in the community have expressed concern about an early email communication between Meaford Mayor Barb Clumpus and a representative from TC Energy, the company hoping to build a pumped storage facility on the Meaford Tank Range, but from my perspective, what some have considered a 'gotcha moment' is a big ball of nothing.It's true that on...
Stephen Vance, Editor
During council's discussion while approving the municipal budgets for 2020, Councillor Steve Bartley raised an interesting question – is Meaford spending too much on infrastructure?The 2020 tax supported capital works budget approved by council is more than $12 million, double that of most neighbouring municipalities.
Of that, more than $2 million is destined for roads infrastructure with another...