Friday, July 26, 2024


​Former Meaford Resident Offers Thoughts on Policing From Germany

Letter to the Editor Editor, Being away from Meaford for a few years now I find it heartwarming to be able to read this well-written TMI paper. An excellent source to be informed about events and on-goings in and around the Municipality of Meaford. Well, a few things have changed, but in my opinion quite a number of problems seem to...

Reader Not Happy With Election Results

Letter to the Editor Editor, We here in my household are profoundly disappointed with the election results. To elect Clumpus is to carry on with the same reckless spending and total lack of regard for taxpayers who are stretched to the limit.  We thought that most people who took the time to educate themselves on the real issues within the Municipality...

New Mayor Has Served Rural Communities Well

Letter to the Editor Editor, I thought your observations as to what to expect from the newly elected council were very insightful. However, there is one area that I think needs to be addressed and that is the suggestion that our newly elected mayoress does not fully understand the needs and thoughts of the rural residents of Meaford. Barb Clumpus has been...

Candidate Enjoyed Campaign

Letter to the Editor Editor, This election has been a great learning experience. If there was one thing that stood out for me, it was the quality and integrity of all the candidates that put their names forward for election. We, as a municipality, are fortunate to have such a strong, collaborative, and dedicated Council to serve us. I look forward to...

Reader Appreciates TMI Election Coverage

Letter to the Editor Editor, I wish to congratulate The Meaford Independent on your great coverage during the recent municipal election in Meaford. You helped the candidates voice their ideas through the newspaper and the Soapbox. You helped to bring candidates and town citizens together for very necessary interchange of information. And, you helped voters that had problems with the new...

Reader Response to New OPP Costing

Letter to the Editor Mr. Editor, This headline should come with a caveat: ‘creative math’ required. The OPP billing statement for 2015 is $1,797,913. That is $44,184 lower than OSPS Option 1 (with a civilian school officer) and $131,859 less than OSPS Option 2 (with a uniformed school officer). The community has shown a strong desire to ensure a uniformed presence...

Municipal Policing: Different Responsibilities Yes…Superior No…

Letter to the Editor Editor, The current policing debate for the Municipality of Meaford is a tough decision for the future council following the upcoming municipal elections with much debate taking place over the situation. This article has not been written to extend the virtues of one policing option, the Owen Sound Police Service (OSPS) proposal, over another, the Ontario Provincial...

Voter Frustration

Letter Editor, On the first day  of voting my husband and I tried to go on line to vote. What a waste of time. We could not access the voter site using no less than three browsers/servers. We tried many variations of the http entry. We even tried to call the municipality for help. You can just imagine the futility of that effort. We...

There’s Always a Reason Why…

Letter to the Editor Editor, There's always a reason why elected officials raise our taxes. There's a pending crisis; there's a special need; there's looming disaster. Raising taxes on taxpayers is the easiest, quickest and least contested way to add spendable dollars.  This departing Council decreed property tax increases to the tune of 60% in the last four years.  This last...

Vote Not on Geography, But on Strength of Character

Letter to the Editor Editor, I am writing in response to Doug Miller’s letter (Voting “Rural”) of October 9 th . While Doug is a personal friend and someone for whom I have the greatest respect, as a resident of Sydenham for 24 years I heartily disagree with his premise that the way to get things done in rural Meaford is...