Friday, July 26, 2024


Who Will Occupy New Buildings?

Letter to the Editor Editor, It's been very interesting  reading all the different viewpoints of people on the proposed destruction/improvement of downtown, Meaford depending on who is talking. Something I haven't seen much of is discussion on who will potentially occupy this proposed development. My personal opinion is that Meaford has been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century as...

Visitor to Meaford Wants Winter Access to Harbour

Letter to the Editor Editor, I was in Meaford a couple of weeks ago and as I always do,  I drive by or walk to the Harbour.  I like to walk around, listen to the water enjoy  the scenery, and take pictures.  Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that I could not access my favourite spot as there was a five-foot...

Reader Offers Thoughts on Downtown Redevelopment

Letter to the Editor Editor, I'd like to thank the Meaford Independent for its balanced coverage of this issue. Of those who approached the microphone on February 2, an equal number spoke in favour of and against the requested height increase. Those against included three owners of buildings in that stretch of Sykes Street. The Municipality is accepting letters from the public...

Disappointed With Recent Poll

Letter to the Editor Editor, Was disappointed in the recent poll in TMI that asked the question: "Are you in favour of the proposed development of a section of buildings on Sykes St." The two permitted responses were: Yes--we need to build for the future, or, No- we must preserve our heritage. The problem with these responses is that they create a false dichotomy--that is, they present...

Reader Thoughts on Proposed Redevelopment

Letter to the Editor Editor, I’d like to put a couple of comments forward regarding the proposed development of a commercial section of Sykes Street. First of all, there is a third option when it comes to retention of the “look” of a historical block of buildings. When such buildings are demolished, the brick is invariably sold to parties who wish to...

One Man’s Vision Could Result in a Nightmare for the Rest of Us

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: The following is a letter I sent to Council I was in attendance at the February 2 meeting and was so impressed by Mr. Toncic's bold "vision" for Meaford's future that I felt a need to communicate by own misgivings on his grandiose plans which centre on the massive condo development. It will not surprise you that...

Beautiful Facades Part of Local Identity

Letter to the Editor Editor, It seemed coincidental that the February 2015 issue of Canada’s Municipal World magazine should have an article entitled Heritage Builds Resilience: Infrastructure funding can and should include investments in a community’s heritage assets. The article cited many examples of publicly owned and deteriorating heritage buildings that were saved and re-purposed into heritage infrastructure that added to the...

Reader Not Impressed With Budget Meeting

Letter to the Editor Editor, Wow, talk about a let down! Based on TMI’s article and the Meaford web site I was actually looking forward to the special 3:00 pm budget review meeting at council chambers on Monday February 2nd. I arrived in good time to a full house, lots of citizens spurred on by the call to civic duty. But...

Opportunities For Meaford

Letter to the Editor Editor, Mr Toncic does indeed  offer 21st century opportunities...these could, if embraced, address some of our local 20th century problems. Several residents may have difficulty getting their heads around many of these 21st century concepts and terms of reference. If the terms m-commerce or retail pop-ups don't ring any bells then I would suggest a little time should be spent...

Winter Weather Better in Some Parts of Canada

Letter to the Editor Mr. Editor, Please include all of Canada in your moans about the weather. I know it's atrocious in Meaford for far too long each year. Those icy winds off the bay persist well into late spring. The almost daily sprinkling of snow leaves the environment damp and slippery underfoot for weeks on end. But not all Canadians are...