Thursday, January 16, 2025


Not All Greens Voting Strategically

Letter to the Editor Editor, This is in response to the letter from a former Green Party candidate who is advocating people vote strategically this election. That writer does not represent the Green Party, the local Green Party organization or Green Party supporters. One of the reasons our democratic system is quickly eroding is because people are deciding how to cast their...

Democracy in Action

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I am heartened that so many voters in BGOS (Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound) are taking this election seriously and are making up their minds based on as much information as possible. This is indeed democracy in action. I send special thanks to the scores of local people who have given voters in BGOS the transparent polling information to...

Vote for Love, Vote for Change

Letter to the Editor Dear editor, The latest Environics poll of 966 BGOS voters conducted October 9 to 11 shows movement towards Liberal candidate Kimberley Love, with 40 percent saying they are voting for Love. I have known Kimberley Love for a few years now and the more I get to know her the more it reinforces why I am voting for...

Former Green Candidate Suggests Strategic Vote For Liberal Love

Letter to the Editor Editor, Strategic Voting should we have to? Answer: No. Strategic Voting do we need to? Answer: Yes. You have the opportunity to be part of a team; a team of regular citizens like myself, who want our country back and who have the power to send a message to Stephen Harper. You are part of the 61% of...

Reader Responds to Vote For the Individual Editorial

Letter to the Editor Editor, In principal this is a valid argument (September 25 Editorial). Maybe under a more reasonable representative voting system this could be a workable approach. But... In our present system this is a totally impractical and unreasonable.  The only option that voters have today ( admittedly a terrible one)  is strategic voting. Vote for the candidate/party who is most likely able to...

Reader Offers Thoughts On Federal Election Campaign

Letter to the Editor Editor, I have been the fortunate owner of a wonderful home in the Beaver Valley for well over a decade now. I could not be happier with my situation, my neighbours, my views and my farm. I feel part of an incredible environment which, while it challenges all of us considerably in those heavy winters with snow...

Reader Expresses Support For Love

Letter to the Editor Editor, Re: Vote For The Individual (September 25 editorial) It isn’t always an easy choice. Sometimes the best-qualified candidate in the local riding belongs to a party that doesn’t allow MPs to have a true voice to represent their constituents. That’s why, even if Larry Miller were the best candidate, he cannot represent our interests in a party that...

A Vote For Direct Party and Representative Voting

Letter to the Editor Editor, I watched the debates 1 and 2, and I have seen and heard enough. We now know the party positions. Anything more that the politicians roll out will be a frivolous correction meant purely for vote getting. Harper seems to be scrappy but tired and running out of steam. Oddly Incredulous that anyone could doubt him.. The "Harper...

No Tipping For Municipal Staff

Letter to the Editor Editor, Recently, there was an event held at Meaford Hall which is a Municipality owned facility, sponsored by a local hardware company who were showcasing their summer barbecue models. Tickets were sold and a cash bar was serviced by part time municipal employees. The bartender, whom I do not know, and is employed part time at a minimum...

What’s The Future For Our Kids?

Letter to the Editor Editor, This week, our kids returned to school. I have two sons successfully launched into careers, and one son embarking on third-year university. My daughter is heading back to high school after a busy summer. I think a lot about their futures: where they will live, what they’ll be doing in five or ten years, whether they’ll...