Friday, March 14, 2025


Meaford Nursing Home Auxiliary Thanks Donors

Letter to the Editor Editor, We gratefully acknowledge and extend our appreciation for all donations in 2015 to the auxiliary, the Memorial Fund and the Night Out Program. Donations Received in Memoriam of:May Boyd Ed McLeod Joyce Fisher Mavis Lindsay Doris McKinnon Rick Richards Velda Lee Eileen Higginson Kathe Reinhart Fern McCausland Blanche Caswell Bill and Barb Beeney Murray Sewell Gerda Besworth Margaret Melynchuk Gwen Falls

Sexual Violence Often Ignored

Letter to the Editor Editor, The recent verdict in the Jian Gomeshi sexual assault trial brought the issue of sexual violence back into the headlines. The celebrity of this particular case provided unusual media attention but the issues it represents are highly stigmatized. Sexual violence is often ignored and viewed as a topic unfit for polite conversation. Although it is uncommon...

Reader Wary of Upcoming Service Delivery Review

Letter to the Editor Editor, Re : Report by Stephen Vance March 10, 2016 on "Massive Municipal Service Delivery Review". I have not been a Meaford resident long enough to comment on the local services. However, whenever I see a proposal such as this, be it federal, provincial, or municipal, I feel an attack on my financial resources is imminent. Case in point....

Reader to Municipality – Do Not Carry More Debt

Letter to the Editor Editor, We were shocked reading in the March 10 Independent that Treasurer Darcy Chapman revealed that the Municipality could shoulder a debt of $42.68 million at an interest rate of 5 percent over 20 years. What will happen if this percentage increases and the loan must be reset? We were happy to see the debt of Meaford Hall...

Call For Environmental Bill of Rights That Would Protect Human Right to Clean, Safe Water

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, On any given day, more than 1,000 boil-water advisories are in effect across the country, many in indigenous communities. This, in a country that has one-fifth of the world’s fresh water, a quarter of its remaining wetlands and its longest coastline. More than 20,000 Canadians die prematurely every year because of exposure to environmental hazards, and...

Meaford Hospital Foundation Thanks its Donors

Editor, We wish to acknowledge and extend our sincere appreciation for donations received in 2015In Memoriam Contributions Received for: Almond, Jane Andrus, Myrna Arnold, Mary Aussant, Cathy Baker, Leona Beck, Arthur Beeney, Barbara Beeney, Bill & Barbara Beirnes, Eileen Bell, Marie Besworth, Gerda Bettridge, Anita Boyd, May Boyes, Eleanor Bray, Dr. Russell Breen, Wray Brodie, Jack Brown, Evelyn Bulsink, John Bumstead, Allan Bumstead, Lloyd Burnham, Helen & Russell Cann, Ina Capon, Sandra Carefoot, Ernie Caswell, Blanche Cheeseman, Madonna Cornfield, Ruth Curry, Floyd Dalgarno, Ivan Davies, Les Dorey, Jeanne Downing, Alma Dykstra, Sake Eade, Ron Elliott,...

Reader Opposed to Municipal Investment in Solar

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, This letter is to confirm that I think the business of investing in solar power by borrowing money - of over two million dollars - is a bad idea. Solar power has been around for some time, and it is best to leave that business to private enterprise. Private enterprise will run a lean operation - unlike...

County Road Snow Conditions – Kudos and Darts

Letter to the Editor Editor, Last night (March 1) was one of the biggest snowfalls we have seen in a very long time. March 1, 2016 definitely came in as a Lion (looking forward to the Lamb). We live near Walters Falls, the snow capital, high atop the Niagara Escarpment ... a beautiful part of God's country. Although travelling in heavy snow...

In Defense of Volunteers

Letter to the Editor Dear Sir, Why don't they practise what they preach? I quote: “The active and full engagement of residents in the structure of their community is a strength that contributes to overall health and well-being…” “My priority will be to revitalize community pride by re-engaging and celebrating the skills, experiences and efforts of volunteers...” At the January meeting between MOM's senior staff...

Will For The People, By The People Prevail in US Election?

Letter to the Editor Editor, This is not the typical item for The Meaford Independent but, we will have to live with the outcome of the US election. It could be easy for us in Canada or life could get very difficult. Snowbirds might have to re-think their life styles. I generally make a point of not reading Fox News posts but this...