Saturday, March 15, 2025


Reader’s Thoughts on OSNGUPL-MPL Standoff – Sack the Board

Letter to the Editor Editor, An un-elected board has set back Meaford relations with Sydenham by this library services decision. Not sure why anyone would think a village library can replace the sophistication of OSNGUPL. Sack the board and get some real problem solvers in there. What nonsense. Trevor Davies, Annan

Local Library Service Imperative

Letter to the Editor Editor, The following letter has been sent to our members of council: Dear Mayor and Council, I am writing about your recent decision to discontinue Owen Sound Library services for residents of the former Sydenham Township. This is a devastating injury in addition to the forced amalgamation. The limited library services Meaford provides at the Sydenham Depot are no...

The Library is Much More Than a Place to Get Books

Letter to the Editor Editor, I was born in Leith. My mother was a teacher. Reading has been an important part of my life since I was young. I've been an active user of the "library" as I call it (now the Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library) since I was a youngster. I grew up in Leith and now...

Potential Loss of Operating Room at Meaford Hospital Cause For Concern

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Your article regarding possible elimination of operating room services at GBHS Meaford touches on a subject of great concern. This action has not been caused by the GBHS administration in Owen Sound. Over the past few years, after the provincial government made funding formula adjustments negatively affecting all hospitals in lower density population areas, GBHS was...

Reader Offers Thoughts on OSNGUPL & MPL Board Standoff

Letter to the Editor Editor, This issue is about money and power and the after-effects of a botched amalgamation.Without Sydenham's tax dollars Meaford would not have a refurbished town hall or a new library building. Without amalgamation Owen Sound library would not be fighting Meaford for Sydenham tax dollars. For many years Sydenham alone was able to fund its library usage. Now...

Fool Me Once…

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, The numbers clearly show that the Owen Sound Public Library is ripping off Meaford with its outrageous fees that allow Sydenham citizens access to the Owen Sound library. As you point out, this is the same situation that was punted by Meaford Council a few years ago. When the  Council capitulated then they clearly gave...

Reader Challenges Notion That OSNGUPL Contract is too Costly

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Further to your recent editorial concerning the library contract between our municipality and Owen Sound in which you concluded that we are being “ripped off” I would like to point out the following. Using the statistics provided in your editorial, the cost per capita for Sydenham residents (1/3 of Meaford Population) is about $36. ($120,000/(1/3...

Reader Thankful For Meaford Golf Course Remembrance Dinner

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I just wanted to send out a sincere 'Thank You' to the Meaford Golf Course for the Remembrance Dinner for the vets this weekend. As usual it was wonderful. It is a blessing that there are people who care enough to put themselves out to salute those who give so much, today and in the...

Story About Strange Smell at GBCS Brings Back Memories For Reader

Letter to the Editor To the Editor, Have just read your article regarding the strange smell at GBCS and it brought up a memory of a time in the late 50s that had the same result. If your readers remember the science teacher, Hank Beamer, was a good practical joker at times. One day toward the end of the school year the...

Lest We Forget

Letter to the Editor The Editor, The time of year is approaching when Canadians will be purchasing their poppies from the Royal Canadian Legion to commemorate the Fallen since the First Great War. The proceeds go to support veterans in need. On November 11, there will be commemorations Canada-wide to honour our soldiers who did not come back. There will be pomp...