Sunday, March 16, 2025


Local Legion President Not Impressed With Scarecrows in ‘Support Our Troops’ Shirts

Letter to the Editor Editor, I just read the story about the Scarecrow people going to put the Support our troops T-shirts on the puppets for this years invasion, and was wondering if anybody else has a problem with it. The purpose of the T-shirts was to distribute them to raise funds for the MFRC, and to show support for...

Thanks Extended After Loss of Dog

Letter to the Editor To the Editor, I have had to have my loyal, loving toy poodle, put to sleep after being attacked by a big unleashed dog on Henry St. What I want to do is say a big thank you to the staff at Thornbury Veterinary Centre, for making things easier for Treacle and I with your kindness and compassion...

What’s Being Said About Your Kids Behind Their Backs?

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I want to squeal on the kids in the Grade 8 music class. I was talking to a lady who attended the excellent performance of the Goldenaires, and she had some things to say that the parents should know. She talked endlessly about the extreme good behaviour of every student there. There was no nonsense like...

Reader Urges Golfers to Consider Welfare of Geese

Letter to the Editor Editor, Everyone is getting their swing ready for the exciting start of the golf season. The sun is shining, the grass is growing and the birds are nesting. One of the difficult relationships on a course is that of the geese and the golfers. Of course it is best if the geese are discouraged from nesting on or...

Reader: Empire Building Trumps Bridge Building

Letter to the Editor Editor, The proposal to make the operation of the waste treatment plant a municipal employee function rather than a contracted function smacks of empire building by staff. Adding two more full time employees to the already bloated municipality headcount is lunacy. Of course staff will claim savings with this move but that is pure equine excrement. It is common...

Earth Week Organizing Team Thanks the Community

Letter to the Editor Editor, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said it best. “Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” Earth Week was a lot of 'little bits of good’, and it is still not over. Sunday, May 7 is the rescheduled date for the Earth Day Memorial Park Clean-Up. The...

More Consideration Should be Given to Bridge Rehabilitation

Letter to the Editor Editor, I read the letter from Ray McHugh in last week’s Independent concerning our bridge woes and I felt a wave of common sense sweep over me. We get all these opinions from high-priced experts who, to a man (or woman), recommend drastic and expensive measures. This is not surprising since if they were to recommend something affordable...

Meaford Hospital Foundation Thanks Donors

Letter to the Editor Editor, We wish to acknowledge and extend our sincere appreciation for donations received in 2016In Memoriam Contributions Received for: Abercrombie, Don Adams, Blanche Almond, Cathy Aussant, Margaret Beaupre, Margaret Beeney, Brian Brown, John McInnis Brunskill, Jean Bumstead, Earl Cann, Joyce Clark, Viola Clock, Rob Comly, Isabel Comsky, Shona Cornfield, Ken Cox, Doris Crapper, Gord Dales, Mac Dean, Tiffany Deschenes, Diane Dick, Barbara Doherty , Brad Doran, Robbie Dustow, Mrs. Eagles, Sheila Falls, June Finlayson, Bernice Fitzsimmons, Alva Foster, Josie Gardner, Helen Glass, William Golbeck, Beatrice Goldmann, Helga Gordon, Florence Gower,...

Reader Not Happy With Meaford Hall Restructuring

Letter to the Editor Editor, When someone asks me what I love most about the town of Meaford, the answer is easy, The Meaford Hall Arts and Cultural Centre. As an artist, musician, teacher, and long term resident of this area, I have watched the Meaford Hall evolve into a high calibre and celebrated venue. It has been incredible to see the...

Infrastructure Woes a National Problem

Letter to the Editor The Editor, The Meaford Independent, Your LOCAL News Source is on the top of the front page, every time I get the paper. But, I wonder how many readers picked up on the fact that page 8, the Opinion page had our country's NATIONAL problems put under the spotlight. Local infrastructure needs have been very well explained on...