Sunday, March 16, 2025


Food For Thought

Letter to the Editor Editor, The Letters page of your August 17, 2017 edition should be of great interest locally: Mike Robertson on the library issue, and nationally MP Larry Miller on the New Canada Food Guide. Mr. Robertson provides a new perspective to the eternal library discussions, and I am in total agreement. I also agree with our MP in his comments...

Appreciation For Local Police

Letter to the Editor Editor, I apologize to the OPP for complaining about not seeing them around Meaford much. An officer explained to me, after I was almost hit on a pedestrian crossing and light crossing twice in one week, that the OPP have a huge area to cover, they work shifts and sometimes need two officers in one car. The cars we...

What Will Happen to Current Library Building?

Letter to the Editor To the Editor, I noted with some interest the council move to hire a consultant to assess the viability of the former Foodland building as a potential library. Despite the painfully long process of discussing new library locations, there never seems to be mention of what to do with the CURRENT library building. It’s a beautiful 82 year-old...

Don’t Close Grey Gables

Letter to the Editor Editor, This letter has been sent to Warden Barfoot and Grey County Council. Unfortunately, the County of Grey has made a decision to close Grey Gables. This decision has so many people in our county upset, that the Past Wardens are now being approached by the 100's of people from Grey County and beyond, to try and have...

Meaford Community Gardens Hoping For Return of Tool Bag

Letter to the Editor Dear editor, It is with great frustration that I write this letter. This past weekend, someone lifted a tool bag containing two cordless power drills (orange & black RIGID drills) and other tools from the hoop greenhouse and a number of watering cans from the Georgian Bay Community School Community Garden. If whomever took these items can...

Remembering Meaford

Letter to the Editor Editor, It is exciting to be a current resident of Ottawa during Canada’s 150th year celebrations. There are so many events happening here. This year in September I am celebrating my 70th birthday. I can’t help reminiscing about my beautiful hometown of Meaford. I was born in Meaford in 1947 and graduated from Meaford Elementary School and Meaford...

Reaction to Reader Troubled by Vaccines

Letter to the Editor Editor, Ms. Sparkhall got nearly everything wrong in her letter to the editor. Maybe it’s time the editorial board considered not printing letters where the basic facts are ignored in favor of urban myth. Would your paper publish a letter that started, “Since Canada’s founding in 1956, Communism has played an important role in Inuit culture”? I’m...

BJHS Thanks Supporters of Family Fun Day

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: Beautiful Joe Heritage Society would like to “Thank all of those that contributed and enjoyed our first Family Fun Day” at Beautiful Joe Park last Sunday. Mother Nature had different plans than ours, even so, we had many brave and daring souls come out and enjoy the festivities. Due to the weather, most activities were provided...

What Are We Standing on Guard For?

Letter to the Editor Editor, Now that the Canada 150 celebrations have subsided somewhat, I believe we should take a careful look at what we are “Standing on Guard for”. As a Nation we have much to be proud of and to be thankful for, as well as being ashamed of. Thankful for the beautiful landscapes from sea to sea to sea,...

Reader Troubled by Vaccines

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I am sorry to read about the high rate of vaccine in Grey Bruce in your paper of June 15. Dr. Kennedy states our health care providers “really understand the protection that vaccines offer”. Perhaps Dr. Kennedy should do some research about the growing number of people attributing the increasing number of health problems, such as...