Monday, March 17, 2025


It Would be Prudent to Not Hire Another CAO

Letter to the Editor Editor, Your recent article questioning whether Meaford should fill the position of CAO was excellent. It was balanced, factual, and provided a lot of good points. Over the last few years municipalities have had many costs downloaded to them by various government sources and for smaller communities, like Meaford, this has proven very costly. Salaries (and benefits) are...

Thoughts on CAO Resignation

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, As you predicted in your editorial of August 15, 2015, the CAO is leaving the municipality. Your opinion that a municipality the size of Meaford does not need a CAO is correct. The CAO salary level usually raises the salary levels of senior management positions. Over the past couple of years, two senior positions (Director of...

Thoughts on the New Library From the West End

Dear Editor, Given the hysteria and euphoria by some surrounding the news of a new library and possible refurbishment of the old library into a new council and staff office area with its exorbitant cost, it may be time to see this extravagance for what it really is. Another boondoggle! In defending this choice of library, staff in a recent newsletter...

Concern About Load Limits

Letter to the Editor Editor, At the December 11/17 Council meeting, By-Law 2017-69 was passed unanimously by Council. This By-Law permits Meaford to place load limit warning signs on thirteen crucial bridges in rural Meaford. Treasurer Mr. Chapman told Council that no consultation had occurred with any of the hundreds of regular users of these bridges but the latest inspection reports...

Frustration With Unruly Fishermen

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Having grown up in Meaford in the 60's and 70's, we returned to a fixer-upper on Bayfield Street 15 years ago to be among old friends, and are re-building the house to be here permanently. We are between the children's playground and beach at Raper's Park and the children's area of McCarroll Park and the...

Coins Are Legal Tender Too

Letter to the Editor Editor, The following appeared in the bulletin of my church for the Christmas Eve Service 2017: Quote: Offering Notice Due to the inability of the ATM to accept coins, and the bank charging for depositing coins, we are asking that you please refrain from including coins in your offering when at all possible. Your co-operation in this matter would be...

Reader Takes TMI Editor to Task

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, A couple of your editorials the last few weeks are very disturbing to a majority of taxpayers in the Municipality. First you defended the bloated cost of the new library project by saying, “The Community supports the plan so I accept it.” I do not believe the Community accepts this particular project. As per the SDR...

Large Animal Rescue Instruction at the Fire Hall Appreciated

Letter to the Editor Editor, I had the opportunity to attend a course on the weekend of November 17 that took place at our Meaford Fire Services Training Facility. It was put on by the University of Guelph Equine Centre and offered instruction in Large Animal Rescue. The amazing equine team from Guelph was invited for the second time this year by...

Reader Expects Unpleasant Surprises as Library Project Proceeds

Letter to the Editor Editor, So it seems we have finally decided to locate our new library in the old Foodland building, and early estimates are in. Now we begin to move into the zone at which municipalities and other bureaucracies truly excel – miscalculations and cost over-runs. Apparently it should cost about 5.5 million dollars give or take. Hang on folks,...

Concern About Cost For New Library

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I'm not at all surprised but still disturbed at the already increased cost of the new library. There's no doubt that Meaford library needs a new home and initially it seemed that the Sykes Street OPP option was reasonable at $3-4 million, even with the certainty that costs always exceed original predictions. Now, with a change of...