Wednesday, January 1, 2025


OPEC Holding the World to Ransom

Letter to the Editor Editor, The recent jump in oil prices and the controversy about Canadian Supply Management under attack by Mr. Trump makes me wonder who is running the Canadian economy. What does OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) or any other of our supply-managed commodities have in common? During the period prior to 1999, prices...

Concerned About Condition of Georgian Trail

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I had a letter going to you on the condition of the Georgian Trail but in my recent ride on August 13 there was a change on the trail. I will explain as I go along, so here goes. I rode my scooter to Lora Bay in July, hoping I would not run out of power....

Community Continues to Mull Potential Library Options

Letter to the Editor Editor, In a recent issue of The Independent one of your readers suggested moving the library into Meaford Hall and moving the Hall art into the library, and then turning the library into an arts centre complete with gallery. On the face of it, this seems to be a great idea. The library would still be central to...

Reader: Electric Vehicle Drivers Should Avoid Meaford

Letter to the Editor Editor, The other day my wife and children were returning from a trip so I thought I would try our electric car to see if it was viable to drive long distances. I drove from Woodford to Blue Mountain and gave it a small charge at their free stations at the village. I then went to Barrie...

Easy Riders Love Meaford

Letter to the Editor Editor, The Easy Riders have visited Meaford for the second year in a row. More than 40 riders from the Kitchener bicycle group booked the entire Hilltop Motel and a corner of the Memorial Park Campground from August 15- 18. They had a wonderful time with better weather this year. Bike routes were mapped out well in advance...

Food For Thought

Letter to the Editor Editor, The Letters page of your August 17, 2017 edition should be of great interest locally: Mike Robertson on the library issue, and nationally MP Larry Miller on the New Canada Food Guide. Mr. Robertson provides a new perspective to the eternal library discussions, and I am in total agreement. I also agree with our MP in his comments...

Appreciation For Local Police

Letter to the Editor Editor, I apologize to the OPP for complaining about not seeing them around Meaford much. An officer explained to me, after I was almost hit on a pedestrian crossing and light crossing twice in one week, that the OPP have a huge area to cover, they work shifts and sometimes need two officers in one car. The cars we...

What Will Happen to Current Library Building?

Letter to the Editor To the Editor, I noted with some interest the council move to hire a consultant to assess the viability of the former Foodland building as a potential library. Despite the painfully long process of discussing new library locations, there never seems to be mention of what to do with the CURRENT library building. It’s a beautiful 82 year-old...

Don’t Close Grey Gables

Letter to the Editor Editor, This letter has been sent to Warden Barfoot and Grey County Council. Unfortunately, the County of Grey has made a decision to close Grey Gables. This decision has so many people in our county upset, that the Past Wardens are now being approached by the 100's of people from Grey County and beyond, to try and have...

Meaford Community Gardens Hoping For Return of Tool Bag

Letter to the Editor Dear editor, It is with great frustration that I write this letter. This past weekend, someone lifted a tool bag containing two cordless power drills (orange & black RIGID drills) and other tools from the hoop greenhouse and a number of watering cans from the Georgian Bay Community School Community Garden. If whomever took these items can...