Monday, March 17, 2025


Concern About Posted Load Limits on Local Bridges

Letter to the Editor Editor, The following letter has been sent to our council: I am writing you with regards to your road situation in the Municipality of Meaford. You have established bridge weight limits throughout all parts of the municipality that virtually shut down all vehicular transportation in our municipality. As a commercial vehicle driver your new weight restrictions on bridges throughout...

Hospital Auxiliary Thanks Community

Letter to the Editor Editor, The Meaford Hospital Auxiliary would like to thank everyone who donated time, talent and funds to make the fundraising Musical Variety Concert at the United Church on March 23rd an unqualified success. The goal, to cover the cost of furnishing the patient TV lounge, has been met. Lesley Kenyon, Secretary Meaford Hospital Auxiliary

Thoughts on Infrastructure Funding

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, The March 22 edition was a particularly interesting one – great activities in the area by quilters, students, Maplepalooza, and others. Even some grant money from Queens Park. The grant announcement gave me a warm and woozy feeling deep inside... somebody at QP actually cared... then reality set in and I wondered... It is provided by...

Support For Moment of Reflection

Letter to the Editor Editor, Thank you for standing up for the Moment of Reflection preceding Council meetings (The 3 Rs... Rants, Raves & Rumours in the March 15 print paper). We agree this is an important, if brief, ritual in our 'Era of Distraction'. Humans are hard-wired for rituals, and they serve an important function, for better or for worse. (Gangs...

Never a Bad Time For a Debate

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I wish to respond to your comments in 'This weeks rants', page 11 of The Meaford Independent March 15 issue (The 3 Rs... Rants, Raves & Rumours). “... so it is no surprise that current members of council aren't willing to participate in a public debate about a topic that is likely to be an election...

Thoughts on Planned Raking of Sauble Beach

Letter to the Editor Editor, No doubt you and many residents of Meaford Municipality are aware of the rising groundswell of opposition to the planned (heavy machine) raking of Sauble Beach by the Town of South Bruce Peninsula. Those cautioning against this action are not just "Plover Lovers", although that's not a bad thing to be! The concerns are as much, if...

Should Canadians Embrace a ‘Canada First’ Policy?

Letter to the Editor Editor, I have been doing a slow burn listening to Trump’s daily pronouncements regarding his America First, protectionist, and beggar (bludgeon) thy neighbour agenda. It’s high time that Canadians embrace a Canada First policy by making a concerted effort to buy Canadian-made goods and services. If we can’t buy seasonal Canadian produce, let’s buy Mexican produce.Similarly, let’s plan...

Residents to Debate Hiring of New CAO

Letter to the Editor Dear Sir, The topic of whether we should have a Chief Administrative Officer for the Municipality of Meaford appears to be on the minds of many concerned taxpayers. In order to discuss and discover all the benefits, pro or con of this staff position for Meaford, a 'Grand Debate' will be held on Thursday, April 5, commencing...

Frustration Over Bridges 021 & 022

Letter to the Editor Editor, It is unbelievable to me that, being on the town-line, it is only now coming to the council's attention that these bridges are equally owned by Meaford and Chatsworth municipalities. Two years ago when I called the Chatsworth office to enquire on the status of this bridge repair I was told that they hadn't yet addressed it,...

The Future Of Meaford Is Yours To Change

Letter to the Editor Editor, Meaford has become unaffordable to the majority of its taxpayers. Yearly increasing taxes caused by the present management of the community are failing to provide a solution. It is a sad situation when a town’s municipal staff is the biggest employer in the community. Taxpayers and elected council must realize they are operating a multi-million-dollar corporation and have to...