Monday, March 10, 2025


Garage Sale Interaction

Editor, After more than twenty years , I parted with a unique handmade table lamp at our community garage sale. At 8 a.m., a boy, about ten, was drawn to the lamp. How much is it?, he asked me. How much is it worth to you — and added it was given to me by a friend and it’s handmade....

Reader: U.S. Supreme Court Rulings Can Impact Canadians

To the Editor, Thank you for publishing my (previous) letter. I have had a few people comment that the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court have no effect or meaning for Canada. This is untrue in many ways. Perhaps the most immediate way is that a Supreme Court decision could help permit a convicted felon (a pathological liar and hatemonger) to assume...

Sad About The Cedars

Editor, The renovation to the old fire hall has been amazing to watch. The townspeople have been excited to see how beautiful it looks and I was personally very impressed by the care that was taken to do it right. A recent article in On The Bay magazine provided great details about the renovation process and it was interesting to...

There Are Heroes Among Us

Editor, Last evening, just after 6 p.m., I was walking my trusted companion Maple by the Meaford Harbour Sailing school. Noticing a group of young sailors having an outdoor meeting while also hearing a strange noise like something falling/splashing in the water. When this group heard the sound, they immediately rushed down the pier to see what it was. It was...

Reader Offer Thoughts on the U.S. Supreme Court

Editor, Recent SCOTUS decisions are very questionable from a legal and ethical perspective. The makeup of the court is heavily right wing, and definitely not hesitant to show that. There are major factors which can overcome Supreme Court decisions which are biased, prejudicial, illegal and/or unconstitutional. -The Supreme Court has zero enforcement capability. -They can only make decisions which are within Federal jurisdiction, not...

Out of Touch With Reality

Editor, Number 1: Governments or personnel must be extremely wealthy to make a remark like this: In supporting the move Bloc Quebecois MP Julie Vignola said, “We agree that $9 million for a New York condo for the Consul General needs to be examined.” “$9 million is a lifetime of work for the average person,” Vignola told the committee according to...

Reader: It’s Time to Sewer the Shoreline

Dear Editor, While our neighbours in the Town of Blue Mountains were considering a motion against Meaford’s proposed power plant, I wrote this note (below) to their Mayor and Council members. Although the motion didn’t pass after all, we in Meaford still need to reconcile our management of beach houses on our shore, and I thought this still noteworthy for...

TC Energy Responds to Recent Letter

Dear Editor, As I read the comments from Mr. McTaggert’s July 11th Letter to the Editor, I wish we could devote our time to a more constructive dialogue – one that focuses on the opportunities that the Ontario Pumped Storage Project presents to Meaford and the surrounding region if it moves forward. While I recognize there are questions about the Ontario...

Reader Suggests Donating CDs and DVDs to the Hospital

Dear Editor, When Brian was in hospital he could not go to the TV room, so we used a DVD player, which was great. Therefore Pat Kortland and I have donated two DVD/CD players to the hospital to honour Anna Crawford and Ben Kortland. They have some DVDs to play but if your readers are getting rid of DVDs or...

On Volunteering

Editor, Before I got a paid teaching position as an ESL teacher for adults, I volunteered. I arrived to meet my class, all male Jamaican recently-arrived new Canadians. I greeted them by telling them that I was a volunteer teacher and if I performed well I may get a paid position. They asked what a volunteer was and I explained...