Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Let’s Not be Afraid of the Status Quo for our Municipal Parks

Letter to the Editor Editor, At the recent Woodford meeting organized by the Chamber of Commerce (very well done), some candidates railed against the new Park By-Law as being ‘unnecessary’ to ‘fascist’. Core issues were ‘parks closed for six months’ and ‘trespassers could be prosecuted’. I don’t think we should be worried about this by-law, as there is effectively no change from...

Where Are All the Candidates?

Letter to the Editor Editor, I have lived in the Municipality of Meaford for ten years. This will be my third municipal election in the area. Not once other than this year has a candidate come to my door campaigning. This year so far the only candidate who did come was my neighbour. As I understand there is roughly a 50-50...

Concern About Electronic Voting Participation

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I am hearing about people who will not vote because they can not cope with the new system, so I asked what to do. Candidates David Long and Jim MacPherson have said they will help anyone who does not want or can not, work the new system. I am assuming the rest will help too if...

Boutique Hotel Issue Will be Back Before Council September 10

Letter to the Editor Editor, If you’ve been following along with the saga of the 'Boutique Hotel' proposed for Boucher St. W. and Stephen Vance’s most recent article you’ll know that the discussion reached an impasse at the last council meeting on July 23 and has been deferred until the upcoming meeting on September 10. This will be an excellent opportunity to...

Don’t Believe Council Candidates Who Say They Will Lower Taxes

Letter to the Editor Editor, The municipal election campaign has barely begun and already someone has said they will vote for a certain candidate because they “will reduce our taxes”. Whoever makes such a statement is either naive or is intentionally misleading voters. Municipal taxes will go up, due to the increasing cost of providing services to residents and to pay for...

Concern About Social Assistance Programs

Letter to the Editor Editor, Along with many Ontarians, I was disappointed to hear that the Government of Ontario made the unfortunate announcement that it will be terminating the Basic Income Pilot, as well as reducing the planned increase to Ontario's social assistance programs from 3 percent to 1.5 percent, meaning it will no longer coincide with inflation. On August 1, the Ontario...

Thoughts on Mayoral Candidate

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Ray McHugh is on record as saying he ran for mayor in 2014 "as a joke" (Owen Sound Sun Times--10/3/2015). This raises a question. Were the 1,069 people who voted for him in on the joke, or were they the punchline? Sincerely, David Galbraith, Meaford

Thankful For Recovery Of Photography Equipment

Letter to the Editor Editor, Who would have thought that I could absentmindedly leave a piece of equipment on a busy intersection one day and retrieve it two days later? There are no words of gratitude strong enough to convey my thanks to Trevor Shaw, Mary and Geoff Solomon, and Connie and Bob Buckton, who helped me retrieve a piece of photography...

Reader Offers Thoughts on the Furor Over Modern Sex-Ed Curriculum

Letter to the Editor Editor, Let me see if I understand it correctly. A group of parents are opposed to the new sex-ed curriculum because they believe it does not conform to their values. They are offered a choice. They can have their children not participate in the program. Problem solved.So why are these same parents not content with that? Perhaps it...

Reader Expresses Support For Mayoral Candidate

Letter to the Editor Editor, I am pleased that Ray McHugh is challenging our incumbent mayor for the office. I was shocked that last year our mayor and deputy mayor could not express unanimous support at county council on some very important votes. Ray’s extensive experience as a professional engineer and project manager will be a great asset to our community.I believe Ray...