Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Reader Pleased to See Meaford Fly Pride Flag

Letter to the Editor Editor, We have lived in Meaford for over 25 years and always loved our town. We're proud to see Meaford make an active statement by flying the Pride Flag commemorating June as Pride month. Many rural communities, like their urban counterparts, support progressive ideas around sexual orientation. We too embrace the core elements of life, sun, nature, and...

Reader Shares Thoughts on Electoral Issues

Letter to the Editor Editor, MP Miller is worried about two things: 1) Voter Identity - vouching His argument that vouching voter identity is bad because voter turnout improved by 7% after vouching was outlawed by the Conservatives. This is a bogus argument. An increase in voter turnout is more readily explained by the fact that more people turned out to vote for a...

A Note of Thanks After Nearly Missing Bus to Concert

Letter to the Editor Editor, I feel the absolute need to write this letter about absolute kindness and compassion of the likes I have never experienced. This took place about a month ago. My son who lives in Toronto surprised me with tickets to see Rod Stewart in concert. I decided that I would take the bus to Toronto and stay overnight...

Thoughts on Blue Box Blues

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Your May 17 editorial on recycling has the correct diagnosis. Your prescription to solve the problem misses the elephant in the room. Manufacturers operate on the profit motive. Maximum profit under existing rules.Presently there are no rules. Municipalities are creations of the province, and municipal politicians do not like to tell provincial politicians what to do. They...

NDP Candidate Welcomes Liberal Candidate to the Race

Letter to the Editor Letter to the Editor: I welcome Francesca Dobbyn, joining Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals, in the race to be elected MPP on June 7. While we both agree that Bill Walker’s Progressive Conservative promises to cut spending will cut our needed services, such as health care and education, it seems that our agreement ends there. It is interesting...

Concern About Posted Load Limits on Local Bridges

Letter to the Editor Editor, The following letter has been sent to our council: I am writing you with regards to your road situation in the Municipality of Meaford. You have established bridge weight limits throughout all parts of the municipality that virtually shut down all vehicular transportation in our municipality. As a commercial vehicle driver your new weight restrictions on bridges throughout...

Hospital Auxiliary Thanks Community

Letter to the Editor Editor, The Meaford Hospital Auxiliary would like to thank everyone who donated time, talent and funds to make the fundraising Musical Variety Concert at the United Church on March 23rd an unqualified success. The goal, to cover the cost of furnishing the patient TV lounge, has been met. Lesley Kenyon, Secretary Meaford Hospital Auxiliary

Thoughts on Infrastructure Funding

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, The March 22 edition was a particularly interesting one – great activities in the area by quilters, students, Maplepalooza, and others. Even some grant money from Queens Park. The grant announcement gave me a warm and woozy feeling deep inside... somebody at QP actually cared... then reality set in and I wondered... It is provided by...

Support For Moment of Reflection

Letter to the Editor Editor, Thank you for standing up for the Moment of Reflection preceding Council meetings (The 3 Rs... Rants, Raves & Rumours in the March 15 print paper). We agree this is an important, if brief, ritual in our 'Era of Distraction'. Humans are hard-wired for rituals, and they serve an important function, for better or for worse. (Gangs...

Never a Bad Time For a Debate

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I wish to respond to your comments in 'This weeks rants', page 11 of The Meaford Independent March 15 issue (The 3 Rs... Rants, Raves & Rumours). “... so it is no surprise that current members of council aren't willing to participate in a public debate about a topic that is likely to be an election...