Friday, January 10, 2025


Cautious Approach to Proposed Pumped Storage Project

Letter to the Editor Editor Meaford Independent, There was a presentation in Thornbury at Citizen's Forum on Tuesday, October 8. I understand there will be another presentation in Meaford on Saturday. There will undoubtedly large, loud, and widespread resistance. I have no position on this, one way or the other. My intent is simply to help make sure the potential benefits are...

Thoughts on Planting Trees & Pumped Storage Proposal

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, First, let me admit to being a strong proponent of any project that will mitigate global warming and will reduce impacts of climate change. Second, I admit to being fiscally conservative and I know that we have to reduce energy costs and consumption to fix the problems we are making. Third, I am progressive and...

Will the Liberal’s Fiscal Anchor Sink Canada?

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, The Liberal Party has released their 2019 election platform for this election showing that they plan to run large deficits, over $20 billion, for each of the next four years with no return to balance in sight. This will add almost $100 billion dollars to Canada's debt, which already sits at approximately $768 billion. Many...

Thoughts on PM’s Blackface Issue

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I am responding to Roberta Docherty's Letter to the Editor published 27 September, 2019, concerning "Trudeau Brown-Face Issue". I have absolutely no idea if Ms. Docherty is just completely uninformed or is a die-hard Liberal supporter trying to misinform your readership and deflect criticisms towards Justin Trudeau. Either way, it doesn't wash with me or anyone else...

BGOS Federal Election Candidates: Let’s Debate Ideas, Not Trash Signs!

Letter to the Editor Editor, On Wednesday night in Owen Sound more than 300 civic-minded individuals came out to hear from all six candidates who are competing to represent Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound in Parliament. The two-hour debate was lively, informative, and served as a model of democratic participation.We disagree on more than a few points, but we all agree on one thing:...

Day Away Program Thanks Meaford Apple Harvest Craft Show Committee

Letter to the Editor Editor, The Meaford Day Away Program runs Tuesday – Friday, and sees approximately 21 clients per day. Our program is located at the Meaford Hospital. The Day Away Program is a community program that provides socialization and medical monitoring for adults, as well as respite for caregivers. Recently we received a donation from the Meaford Apple Harvest Craft...

Doubt About Pledge to Plant Two Billion Trees

Letter to the Editor Editor, It sure is a catchy headline for the Liberals to say they are going to plant two billion trees over 10 years! I would like to ask Michael Den Tandt, the Liberal Candidate for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, how the Liberals are going to execute this. This sounds like more fake news election promises, because this will require planting...

More Information Wanted About Proposed Energy Project

Letter to the Editor Editor, I entirely agree with the writer who is frustrated at the lack of information on the proposed TransCanada-Energy Project on federal land and Georgian Bay. This information should be shouted from the rooftops. Everyone living on the land between Collingwood and Tobermory should be informed and extremely concerned.Georgian Bay and Nottawasaga Bay are crystal clear, clean and...

Get Out and Vote!

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I went to the all candidates meeting in Owen Sound and was really impressed by the good manners and intelligence of the candidates. The best comment came from the Libertarian candidate: "I don't care who you vote for just get out and vote." Maybe you could remind the young people of that. Thanks, Roberta Docherty, Meaford

We Can’t Turn Back the Clock on Our Veterans

Letter to the Editor Editor, I am a veteran who served in the first Gulf War. My son served in Afghanistan and returned missing a leg. I have first-hand knowledge of veterans whose daily struggle with life-altering mental and physical challenges requires more than election talk. Perhaps you know someone in Grey or Bruce counties like my injured son, or who is...