Saturday, January 11, 2025


Support For Proposed Developments

Letter to the Editor Mr. Editor, We have read in the last two editions of your paper about opposition to two development proposals in Meaford — the PeopleCare Campus of Care and Back Forty Glamping. Mr. MacDougall highlights in his thoughtful letter to you published in the July 9 edition, the slow erosion of Meaford’s business base, the growing number of empty...

TC Energy Asks Opponents to Consider Positive Aspects of Proposal

Letter to the Editor Editor, I have read Caley Doran’s letter to the editor last week (Thursday, July 2) and have had the opportunity to reflect on the concerns he has raised and the reasons why he feels he should be opposed to the proposed pumped storage project. As is the case with many community members in the area, Caley has a...

Thoughts on PM’s Current Scandal

Letter to the Editor Editor, Margaret Trudeau received $240,000 over four years. It will take me over 22 years for me to receive this money from CPP. Call it what you want, how about privilege? What will the Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction call it? William Elder, Meaford

Support For Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Letter to the Editor Editor, I am starting to see a few lawn signs supporting the NO camp re: Meaford Pumped Storage proposal. I continue to disagree with the NO position especially now that more environmental and economic impact information is being published. Originally there were concerns about: A) Impact on the water quality, B) Eye-sore shoreline views, of buildings and power lines, C) Damage...

Reader Calls For Action on Long Term Care Homes

Letter to the Editor Editor, Below is a letter I recently submitted to Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MP Alex Ruff: Dear Sir! We have met once at the Bayshore earlier this year BEFORE the virus, when I bitterly complained to you about not being able to buy MADE IN CANADA products. You listened to my rant with interest and an apparently open mind.While this is...

Concern About Proposed LTC Facility

Letter to the Editor To the editor, It has come to our attention that peopleCare are requesting a number of exceptions to existing planning and municipal guidelines to build a facility on the old Meaford Community School grounds (186 Cook St). Our neighbourhood is very supportive of the building of additional senior care facilities. None of us are taking a “not...

Thoughts on Proposed TC Energy Hydro Storage Facility

Letter to the Editor Editor, My name is Caley Patrick Doran. I am a member of the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing, formerly known as 'Cape Croker', on the Saugeen (Bruce) Peninsula in Ontario. Along with the Saugeen First Nation, we form the Chippewas of Saugeen Ojibway Territory. The purpose of this letter is to outline my objections to the...

TCE Response to Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor Editor, On behalf of TC Energy and the proposed Pumped Storage Project, I’m writing in response to Mr. Stephen Carr’s letter to the Editor published on June 19, 2020. Firstly, I’d like to thank Mr. Carr for his continued interest in the project, our team would be happy to review his report and discuss the findings with him....

Open Letter – COVID-19: Economic Recovery On The Precipice

Letter to the Editor Editor, Meaford is a tourist destination. People, and especially young families, perhaps with grandparents in tow, love to come here to enjoy our parks, splash pad, waterfront, and outdoor recreational facilities. Where else can people boast of anything close to Memorial Park, within a short walk of our downtown core and complete with a dog beach? Increasingly,...

Reader Disappointed with Council Pumped Storage Review

Letter to the Editor Editor, In advance of the June 1st Councillor’s review of this project, I had shared with several councillors and the Mayor a 4-page technical/financial/environment assessment with regard to the Pumped Storage Proposal. In this report, I identified several very significant downfalls and omitted matters with the TC Energy proposal and their supporting narratives. Given these technical and...