Monday, March 10, 2025


Thoughts on COVID and Greed

Editor, Like all of us, I am really frustrated and angry about the way in which this virus has been handled. Way back, New Years Eve, we watched various countries bring in the new year. New Zealand was particularly impressive. Everyone was outside celebrating – no masks, no distancing, and no virus. Here we are in Canada; it is the beginning...

Concerned About Development in Meaford? Get Involved

Editor, Change is not coming to Meaford – it’s here! And we should have something to say about it! Imagine Meaford ( is a grassroots collective of residents who originally came together over concerns with the surge of development that is coming to Meaford. Since then, we have formalized and hosted our first information session on the SkyDev proposal that will...

Concern About Off Leash Dog Spaces

Editor, Well this letter may not be politically correct or popular with some of my neighbours, but I need to say something to dog owners who insist that it is ok for their pooch to be off leash, because "He/she is friendly and won't bite you". How do they know this for sure? I'm a pretty decent human being and know...

Is Meaford Really a Dog Friendly Community?

Letter to the Editor, Dog friendly Community?? What makes a Meaford dog owner think it is 'dog friendly' to daily... indeed twice daily... leave their own front & back yards to walk their dogs along our streets and allow their dog(s) to defecate & urinate on a neighbour’s front lawn? What makes a Meaford dog owner think it is 'dog friendly' to...

TC Energy Responds to Recent Letter

Editor, I would like to thank Louis Bernard for his letter, published in the April 15, 2021, edition of The Meaford Independent, in relation to our proposed pumped hydro storage facility at Meaford. Feedback on our proposed project from community members is critical as it will lead to developing a better project for everyone. TC Energy has continued to advance the...

Concern About Billy Bishop Airport

Dear Editor, I am a member of the aviation community at Owen Sound Billy Bishop Airport (CYOS) and a hangar owner. It perplexes me that, at a time when our Federal and Provincial governments are spending billions of dollars in aid for individuals and business, the town of Owen Sound has elected to turn the airport in to a ghost...

More Thoughts on Pumped Storage

Editor, Once again I am moved to write about the TC Energy Proposal. I am wondering where everyone is. The project fails in at least three key categories. It is not 'green', it is not economical and it does not produce one erg of NEW energy. New energy is what we need right now. First it is not green. It will...

Grey-Bruce Vaccine Distribution Task Force Community Letter

Editor, This week, the Grey-Bruce Vaccine Distribution Task Force met for an update from Dr. Ian Arra and the health unit team on two pressing issues – the spread of COVID-19 and the progress on vaccine distribution. The Task Force is a team of public institutions, community partners, health providers, businesses, Indigenous communities, agricultural sector, and people committed to supporting...

Good News for Earth Day

Mr. Editor, At the risk of clogging your letter box, some positive news to help celebrate Earth Day. Despite some media companies warning us about ‘climate change impeding food production’ as in:, the UN agriculture database says this not the case: This UN data shows world food and meat production are up by about +56% from 1997 to 2017,...

Reader Questions Reasons For Opposition to Proposed Pumped Storage Project

Editor, Today is an exciting day for engineering and science. NASA engineers and scientists successfully achieved powered, controlled flight of a helicopter. On Mars. As far as we know anyway, this is the first time an aircraft has flown on another planet. The engineers at NASA should be celebrating. It was one heck of a historic feat of engineering. Unfortunately, back...