Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Tell It Like It Is

Editor, In a recent letter I suggested that the Independent is a happy-clappy publication and an apologist for the behaviour of Meaford Council and Municipal staff. Recent editions of the newspaper indicate that the suggestion is not warranted. There was no reluctance in the August 29 edition to publishing letters critical of the Municipality's road conditions. One writer identified faulty grading...

Reader: Open Loop Pumped Storage Does Not Belong on Georgian Bay

Dear Editor, I appreciate Mr. Mikkelsen’s August 1st Letter to the Editor invitation for me to discuss possible improvements to the proposed TC Energy (TCE) Pumped Storage project. I’m sure there are many ways this project can be improved but this would be a pointless exercise. Simply put, an open-loop pumped storage project like this does not belong on pristine Georgian...

Reader Not Buying Save Georgian Bay’s Message

Dear Editor, Two recent letters made this reader nostalgic. People of my vintage will recall the joy they felt when they went to the 'Record Store' to buy an 'album' (subsequently a tape, a CD…). Because you needed the latest record from your favourite band. Badly. But, no trip to the Record Store was complete without a close look at the discount...

Reader Highlights Government’s Hypocrisy When it Comes to Addictions

Editor, There’s a great deal of outcry about the recent Ontario government decision to close 'safe addiction sites', due to safety concerns, and the fear that such sites only empower and promote further addiction. I don’t want to comment on that, because we are fairly insulated from that intense proliferation of drug addiction, and I really don’t know how the residents...

Concern About Public Input at Council & Committee Meetings

Editor, The new CAO Kymm Buckham and the council seem to have settled into new policies regarding public input during council and committee meetings. According to the CAO some subjects are off the possible matters to be addressed such as land acknowledgements and possible referendums. Apparently this because they have asked a lawyer for an opinion on the matter. This should...

Reader: All Ontarians Should be Aware of Pumped Storage Proposal

Editor, Have you seen the Shingles add on TV “Shingles Does Not Care”? All Ontario Hydro ratepayers should be aware that more pain lies ahead with an energy proposal that no longer is wanted or needed. Trans Canada Energy’s Pumped Storage Proposal for the Municipality of Meaford that will cost Ontarians BILLIONS of dollars and by the time it is completed...

Reader: Our Roads Are in Deplorable Condition

Dear Editor, Rarely I disagree with you strongly enough to comment, but 'Pothole frustrations' (Aug. 22) tipped the scales. You state:"The vast majority (of our roads) are in pretty good shape". Myself, and many others with road maintenance experience, would argue that in fact, our roads are in deplorable condition. From my early teen years (in the late '70s) for...

Reader Shares Thoughts on Potholes

Editor, Your recent editorial entitled Pothole Frustrations needs clarification. Yes, potholes can damage vehicles. Meaford may well have 400 kilometres of roads to maintain and "most of our roads provide a smooth ride for motorists". However, crumbling asphalt is only part of the problem. The "handful of roads" in poor condition such as Aiken Street and Trowbridge Street East are traffic...

Hospital Auxiliary Thanks Community

To the Editor, The Meaford Hospital Auxiliary wishes to thank the community for their generous participation in our 2024 Tag Days. We appreciate your donations. Teresia Rowatt, President of the Meaford Hospital Auxiliary

Reader Warns of Private Healthcare Issues

Editor, I am writing to ask you to make your readers know the reality of private health care. According to Grey Bruce Health Coalition, private care costs three times as much, takes nurses and doctors away from public care, and will cost the lives of those who can not get to an open emergency department when rural hospitals close. Here are...