Sunday, March 9, 2025


Should Council Consider SkyDev Their Only Option?

Editor, I think not!!! Meaford is considered a very attractive and viable location by builders and developers. Look at the number of recent developments underway or planned within our town. At the top of this list is the Knights property, where SkyDev is proposing an unpopular and controversial redevelopment. This is the first proposal for the site that Council has had to...

Reader Not Impressed With Pumped Storage ‘Propaganda’

Editor, The pungent stench of this well-orchestrated, yet flawed attempt to extract money from unwary Ontarians, becomes more putrid with each article and opinion I read. Who, with authority over this matter, if not for some form of extended remuneration, would advocate for the capitalization of this antiquated technology, and mandate its uncontestable utilization for 50 or 100 years to a...

Concern About Following Pandemic Protocols

Dear Editor, I was just talking to someone in Holland and it gives me the urge to knock some sense into these people saying we don’t need to follow COVID protocols. The Dutch, whom I thought were so intelligent and educated, are fighting tooth and nail against being forced to take precautions, but now they need the military to help with...

Legion Responds to Comments About Remembrance Day Service

Editor, As we are all painfully aware the last two years have been a struggle to change and adapt to a different way of doing things. The Royal Canadian Legion has not been immune to this. This being said, we at the Legion have had to re-invent our traditional Remembrance Day service. So with consultation with our National Dominion Command...

Cows, Cattle, and Correct Usage

Dear Editor, I always enjoy reading about Sorche Paterson's quest for the perfect steak (ongoing print paper series). The tenderloin with blue cheese topping sounded wonderful. However, I hope her tenderloins did not come from an Angus cow. Cows are mature female cattle that have had at least one calf. They usually go to market at the end of their productive...

Reader Suggests Resort Convention Centre For Former Knights Flooring Factory Property

Editor, With all this talk of development in Meaford, especially SkyDev, I can't help wondering about a different kind of development. I have always thought that Meaford has great potential as a convention venue. With great scenery, a lovely town and an attractive harbour, why has no one considered building a Resort Convention Centre here? Anyone visiting would be just that,...

More Thoughts on SkyDev Proposal

Dear Mr. Editor, Thanks for your editorial about the revised SkyDev proposal. I was also so very impressed with the calibre of speakers at the consultation meeting. I was however surprised that no one commented on the elevations in the proposed plan. The artist renderings are very deceiving – it is not until you study page 10 of 11 in the...

Thoughts on Future Electricity Needs

Dear Editor, I wanted to thank John Mikkelsen for his letter that appeared in the October 28, 2021 edition of The Meaford Independent and pointing out the surplus electricity that is produced in Ontario. John Mikkelsen is a reliable source. TC Energy owns 48.4 % of Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario, and built the Gas Generation plant in Napanee...

Heritage Committee Member Responds to Recent Editorial

Dear Editor, I am speaking on my behalf and although I am a member of the Heritage Committee, my comments are my own. The committee is made up of volunteers donating their time, experience and expertise to make recommendations to Council to guide in the management and protection of the Heritage Conservation District. We strive to work with applicants and are...

Call For Increased Transparency in Council Process

Editor, With regards to your November 10th editorial, “Is There an Ideal Time of Day For Council Meetings”, Imagine Meaford respectfully suggests that the issue of transparency goes beyond just the scheduling of Council meetings. Yes, technology has enabled residents to participate in Council meetings from remote locations. Or, they can watch proceedings through YouTube at their convenience. And, extending the...