Thursday, March 6, 2025


No Love For Cormorants

Editor, Considering you are a fisherman, your love of cormorants surprises me. Perhaps you should do some research into the feeding habits of this bird and there is a good chance you will change your mind. It is estimated there are about 230,000 cormorants around the Great Lakes, each eating an estimated 1.3 to 1.6 pounds of fish a day. That...

Please Stop Hanging Bags of Dog Feces From Trees Along Georgian Trail

Editor, There is a puzzling situation that has developed on the Georgian Trail, running east from Swarthmore Drive, in the past month. Someone who is using the trail is tying up plastic bags containing dog feces to the trees lining the trail. Perhaps this is from a dog that this person is walking, or this individual is bagging up feces...

Environment One of Many Election Issues

Dear Editor, We are increasingly concerned about the actions Doug Ford’s government has taken to counteract the environmental protections our farmland, natural areas, and wild species need. Proper public consultation on changes to environmental law and policy was something that Ontarians could count on, thanks to our Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR). Not anymore. Twice in recent years Ford’s government has...

Who Expected This Much Intrigue Over Electricity Storage?

Dear Editor, I didn’t think we’d hear a Save Georgian Bay supporter mention the IESO again. And yet, there it was. One more time. In a Letter to the Editor April 28! Another reminder for us all that the IESO ran their numbers and tried - but failed - to halt another green energy initiative. In Meaford Ontario in this...

The Battery vs Pumped Storage Debate Continues

Dear Editor, Really, more on Batteries vs. Pump Storage? Okay, Bruce Mason, thanks for the insight on pump storage in your letter to the editor dated April 7, 2022. So, you’re saying that a water tower like the one by Meaford hospital is no different than a 93 billion litres water reservoir. You didn’t reveal this secret to TC Energy, did...

Reader Not as Impressed With ‘Clamps Clinking on Sailboat Masts’

Editor, I'm not sure what you are referring to when you mention "clamps clicking on sailboat masts". If you are referring to any sound made by the crew or boat during the process of getting under way or returning to dock, then I am in full agreement. However, if you are referring to the sound coming from a stationary vessel then I...

Keeping Cats Out of the Garden

Dear Editor, I was looking at the article that said you could keep cats out of the garden with predator urine— but not where to get it. This year I put some Ammonia (grocery or hardware store) on a paper towel and put it inside a sealable baggie. Then I poked holes in it and threw it around where mice would...

Is the Municipality’s Staff Bloated?

Dear Editor, In his June 17, 2021 letter, Bill Cameron expressed his opinion that the number of staff has a direct correlation to high taxes of the Municipality of Meaford. The recent release of the 2021 census by Statscan adds new context to Mr. Cameron's opinion. The census was done between 2016 and 2021. The population grew by 4.5%, (2021 -...

In Support of Red Brick

Editor, Hello. My husband of 37 years who is my high school sweetheart had a family farm in Heathcote. Our teenage weekends entailed visiting with family at the farm and running into the vibrant town of Meaford back in the day. We always appreciated the quiet and majestic scenery and as such have chosen beautiful Meaford to live in. Geographically, Meaford...

Georgian Recreation Club Seeks New Committee Members

Editor, The Georgian Recreation Club is a non-profit group, founded in 1988 for the enjoyment of seniors in Meaford and the surrounding area. Until COVID brought shutdown, the Club offered pay-to-play euchre and bid euchre weekly in Meaford. At this time, if we are to continue our card games going forward, we need two new committee members who would oversee these...