Sunday, March 9, 2025


Is the Leadership in the Georgian Bay Basin Intoxicated With the Promise Of Prosperity?

Dear Editor, I've listened to arguments for and against TC Energy Pump Storage (PSP) for the past five years. Like other citizens in Meaford and the Georgian Bay Basin, I'm confused and rely on government representatives for leadership. In the most recent development from the numerous deputations at various municipalities, our municipal leadership has demonstrated a surprising lack of knowledge about...

Reader Impressed With the Art on Display at Meaford Hall

Dear Editor, I had the honour of showing off the Meaford Hall on Saturday night. The building was spotless. The welcome was warm and personal. The performance was unforgettable. BUT, it was the art that needs bragging about. Please find a way to tell everyone that we can’t decide if the brilliance of the work is because our youth are...

Defending the Carbon Tax

Dear Editor, I hope to share some great news with your readers. Many of them will hate it. On May 16, covered a historic metadata study about carbon pricing. What we call “Carbon Taxes” in Canada. Proving how well making polluters pay reduces CO2 emissions everywhere they’ve been implemented. Carbon pollution makes Climate Change happen. Climate Change kills people. Innocent victims...

Reader Frustrated With Modern Advertising

To the Editor, Advertising seems to be getting even more dismissive of people's intelligence than ever. A few examples would include the following : (I don’t mean such items as pickup trucks, where Ford, Chevy and Dodge Ram are all “the best” because truck buyers tend to be loyal to their own preference, and for them, their choice is always the best...the...

Community Builder Award Winner Thankful to Community

Dear Editor, My first task is to thank the citizens, my nominators, and Municipality of Meaford for choosing me as the 2024 Recipient of the Community Builder Award. I am truly grateful and awed that I can be recognized for doing things I love. I really wanted to be clever and draw an analogy to building but I keep slipping...

Reader Responds to Recent Pumped Storage Letter

Dear Editor, In response to Bruce Mason’s April 25th letter, it is quite astounding how little homework he does before writing letters to the editor. He seems to believe that everything TC Energy (TCE) says is the gospel truth and everything anyone else says is false, including the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), who has more knowledge about these matters...

A Salute to a Road Warrior

Editor, Each morning, my wife and I drive our children to GBCS from west of Meaford. We then get our coffees from the friendly folks at Tim Hortons and drive home. Almost every morning as we leave town, we pass by a road warrior. This road warrior marches on Hwy 12 as you exit Meaford. Rain, sleet, snow or sunshine, this...

Reader Agrees That Meaford Needs Food Trucks

Reading the May 2nd issue of the Meaford Independent (my birthday btw) a couple of articles caught my attention: Squirrel Proof - those dastardly Sciuridae and their bird feeder robbing habits, but the story left me hanging: What was his answer? Agree with the editor in this week's Rants (The 3Rs...Rants, Raves & Rumours, May 2 print edition): Food Trucks. How...

Reader: Pumped Storage Costs Outweigh Benefits

Dear Editor, An April 25 letter questions why several Georgian Bay area municipal councils have claimed that TC Energy's proposal for pumped storage would be a "bad financial deal" for Ontario and that "no one in the entire world knows the financial details yet." In fact, it is well known that Ontario's Independent Electricity System Operator has twice evaluated the proposal...

Reader Concerned About Pumped Storage Proposal

Editor. I have read with increasing concern about some letters to TMI re the TCE project. At times the tone has been harsh and even insulting, and I believe that Meaford has no room for this. The overall debate is over the facts (benefits and perils of the project), and it has become clear that the only fact is that...