Monday, March 10, 2025


Thoughts on the Carbon Tax

Dear Editor, If one complains about the carbon tax, they say, "Oh you're a climate change denier." Well, no, I'm not, but the carbon tax receipts just go into general tax revenue, instead of being targeted to initiatives that would alleviate the problem. For instance, a Toronto Star investigation found that the Trudeau Government has been subsidizing the Tar Sands production...

Support For Permanent Resident Status For Undocumented People

Dear Editor, As a Canadian citizen, a voter, and a retiree living in Meaford I strongly support permanent resident status for undocumented people, also referred to as comprehensive regularization, and so does everyone I know. I was surprised by Immigration Minister Marc Miller’s recent remarks suggesting a lack of consensus in Canada for regularization. To many Canadians, it’s clear that regularization...

The Terrible Truth Of War

Editor, This is not an opinion piece, these are facts strictly from the pages of documented history. People today have little or no knowledge of war, so they lack the terrible memory of what winning a war entails. Winning a war requires the killing of civilians. Killing enemy soldiers or airmen never won a war. It was always necessary to kill civilians to...

Should King Charles III be Symbolic Commander-in-Chief of Canadian Armed Forces?

Dear Editor, In response to letter-writer Anton Komar’s June 6, 2024, query to your readers as to whether King Charles III should be the Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces and have supreme command and control of our army: the British monarch is constitutionally our Commander-in-Chief, yes, but the role is symbolic, as is the role of Head of State. The...

Our Teens are the Future

Editor, We would like to acknowledge a young farm boy in our neighbourhood. He is a hard working, enthusiastic, totally dedicated young farmer. He buys and raises his own chickens expertly, and when the time comes he has a very lucrative business selling his eggs. He also does some market gardening and his corn is awesome as well as any other produce...

Reader Frustrated With the System

Editor, During a recent closing of a file I'd submitted to the Ombudsman (notice I said closing, not resolution), I was made aware that mine wasn't the only Meaford file being investigated at the Ombudsman's office. I thought the other complainants may be interested what they may expect. I, like many, always assumed the Ombudsman to be a 'big brother' or...

A Point of Agreement

Dear Editor, While I couldn't disagree more with letter-writer Bruce Mason over his support for TC Energy's pumped storage scheme, I have just given a “thumbs up” to his May 23 letter "Defending the Carbon Tax". On this topic, he got it right. As he wrote "...putting a price on carbon the most effective way to reduce carbon pollution," which,...

Showing Some Love For the ‘3Rs…Rants, Raves & Rumours’ Column in Our Print Paper

Dear Stephen (Editor), I very much enjoy reading your 3Rs section in the Meaford Independent. Every week, you address local topics and issues, or just your thoughts in a witty, thoughtful way that makes me feel like you are my neighbour chatting directly with me. In the May 30 issue (The 3Rs...Rants, Raves & Rumours, May 30, 2024 print edition), you...

Reader: Who is Paying For TCE’s PSP Media Blitz?

Editor, Here is the message that TCE puts at the forefront of their often-printed newspaper advertising: “Why Does Ontario Need a Pumped Storage Project?” They post a beautiful picture of the area they plan to modify. They invite all INDIVIDUALS to a friendly “coffee chat” where they only present their perspective. This is a very well orchestrated plan to quietly impose their will...

Concern For Grassy Narrows

Dear Editor, There is a mill in Dryden, Ontario that is polluting the river that flows through the Grassy Narrows reserve. Those poor people of Grassy Narrows can't catch a break. From being self-sufficient to not in one fell swoop in one of the biggest environmental disasters in our nation's history. From a paper mill dumping more than 9,000 kg of...